The Academic College of the Truffle Sages, through the pen and voice of Giuseppe Cristini, explains its program over the next three years. Three key points of the project.

An authoritative institution that manifests true planning must develop at least a three-year program. The Academic College of Truffle Sages: launches its three-year program of values, development, protection, protection and promotion of the Italian and European truffle.


The message that emerged at the international summit in Monforte d’Alba will have a European-wide development in the coming months, agreed with the great institutions and authoritative truffle associations: Italian, French and Spanish.

The constant academic commitment, the daily assiduity in the study, the fervor and the passion towards the cultural profile that we have imposed on ourselves, force us to pursue the commitments we have set ourselves.

“Il Collegio dei Saggi” International Technical-Scientific College on Truffles

The task of the Board will be to carry out and face the following roles and objectives with competence, authority and neutrality. There are six points but at least for the first year we aim for these first three.

  1. Outline programmatic lines and actions to be implemented to promote, protect and encourage, in Europe, the presence in the territory of the truffle species typical of each production area.
  2. To strongly support and direct the values ​​and techniques of modern truffle farming in favor of the future of European truffle production.
  3. To draw up a periodic report on the state of the “World of the Truffle” for the national Ministry and the EU institutions governing the subject.
2 min 2 yrs

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