2 min 3 yrs

What is the ideal wine to pair with truffles taking into account seasonality, territoriality? We start from solid foundations to understand the preciousness of the combination.


We will focus a lot on chromaticity and aromaticity, as well as on the kindness of the pairing where the wine will never have to pervade His Majesty.
We never think of pairing wine directly with truffles, but with its final gastronomic preparation, based on the type of truffle and of course also the final gustatory pleasure where the truffle will have to court the dish and make it harmonious and balanced in everything.

In any case, the flavor and aroma of the truffle will always have a slight final dominance.
For this first appointment we wanted to give space to a wine that is born between Montefeltro and Fano in the province of Pesaro Urbino and that is the Bianchello del metauro, where near the downy oak that produces the truffle there is a row of vineyard that produces a bacchus nectar. , a bunch of grapes called Bianchello del metauro. A 2000-year history that combines the style and elegance of the tuber aestivum with the pleasantness and seduction of this wine.
The dish we have chosen for this combination is an artisanal spaghetti with wild Portonovo musculos in white just blanched and copious grated tuber aestivum to offer aromaticity together with the flavor of the sea.
A combination of land and sea to enhance a little-known vine, but a wine to be discovered in this summer 2021 paired with truffles from the same hills.

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